Maine Coon Breed Standards
Each breed has its own standards and norms, fixed and described in detail. This is a list of characteristics that relate to appearance, behavior and a set of genes. On the basis of these standards, the breeding of ideal candidates for pets is carried out. However, breed standards may differ in different parts of the world. Same as people’s preferences, their mentality, and culture differ. In addition to this, there are a number of felinological systems that have developed in different regions. Among the most famous European felinological systems, GCCF, FIFE, WCF can be distinguished, and among the American ones – CFA and TICA.
Maine Coon breed standards in WCF and CFA systems are practically the same. Cats are described as large, strong, agile and strong. Dense long hair lies close to the body. They are able to adapt to different environments and endure a harsh climate.
The head has an average size and smoothed contours. The silhouette of the head and muzzle creates a trapezoid with a narrow base at the bottom; the skull is flat, the transition from forehead to nose is weakly pronounced. The nose itself is long, wide, slight deflection is possible, but snub nose is unacceptable. Cheekbones are high; cheeks are observed only in individuals who have reached maturity. Special attention is paid to the chin – it should be vertical from the tip of the nose to the chin, be strong and firm. The muzzle is long, broad, blunt, with strong jaws.
The neck is also strong, muscular, of medium length. The ears are large, with a wide base, pronouncedly lowered inside, they may have tassels and brushes, pointed towards the top and located at a sufficient distance from each other high on the head. The outer line of the ears smoothly passes into the lateral lines of the head and cheeks.
The eyes are large and expressive, also located far apart and set slightly obliquely in the direction of the outer base of the ears. The eye color can be all shades of green, golden or copper colors. For cats of white color, blue or different eye colors are also allowed.
Body type – strong, athletic; the body is muscular, with a broad chest, from medium to large. Females are usually smaller than males. Also, the body should be long, with a strong back and a wide muscular croup. It is necessary that the silhouette form rectangular proportions. However, it should be taken into account that Maine coons are finally formed quite late, and reach full development only by the age of 3.

Limbs set wide, of medium length, clawed. The paws of Maine Coons themselves are large, round, with fur between the fingers. The tail is thick at the base, pointed at the end. It has a long and flowing coat; always lowered and not subject to molting.
Lush undercoat and abundant, heavy wool with a silky texture, adjacent to the back and rump. It has a lacquer shine, does not get wet. On the shoulders and shoulder blades, the hair is shorter, the length increases towards the back of the body, as well as on the tummy and panties. The frill collar is considered an advantage.
All colors are possible, except for the Siamese scheme, acromelanic, chocolate, lilac and all tabby or tortie and variations with them. “Wild” colors are also preferable. The most common colors are white, black, blue, red, cream. The colors are divided into monophonic, tabby (marble-classic, tiger-mackerel), silver, chinchillas and cameos (shall, shaded), smokes and colors with white (van, bi-color, tortoiseshell-tortue).
Among the disadvantages of the breed, a short length of wool or its equal length in all parts of the body is distinguished.
The standards of the Maine Coon breed in other feline systems have minor differences. For example, according to FIFE and TICA standards, any eye color is allowed in cats, regardless of color. TICA also clearly regulates the length of the tail (not less than the length of the body) and the distance between the ears (should not be greater than the width of the base of the ear), however, any traditional fur colors with a white outline around the eyes, chin and lips are allowed (except for solid colors). In FIFE, on the contrary, point colors with white, chocolate, purple, cinnamon (sorel) and caramel (fawn) are not allowed. The breed’s shortcomings are much more strictly regulated, such as a straight or convex head profile, a hooked nose, a protruding chin or almond-shaped eyes. In the TICA system, great attention is paid to the size, width and positioning of the legs, the length of the fur between the toes, the shape of the foot and the overall size of the cat.
Breeding Maine Coons requires not only knowledge of standards, but also the ability to properly breed purebred kittens. After all, in addition to appearance, each felinological system describes the nature of the breed. Therefore, it is worth contacting only high-class nurseries. This guarantees compliance with all standards and the absence of diseases in your future pet.
Because the health and well–being of your tailed family member is one of the most important goals of our nursery. And buying a Maine Coon in “Moonrisecoon”, you will get an affectionate, friendly and fully compliant with all standards kitten.